
1991 Amsterdam

Hello women! Welcome to the Netzo-tournament in Amsterdam. The past few months we have worked very hard to make this tournament possible and we hope we will succeed in providing a good volleyball weekend. The maximum number of teams that can take part in this tournament is 33. Regrettably, because more teams applied, we had to disappoint some women. It does mean, however, that in this weekend we will play volleyball with about 250 lesbians. That is even a larger number of volleyball players than at the Gay Games in Vancouver last year. Half of the teams are from the

1991 Berlin

Welcome, only german BEGRÜSSUNG Liebe Frauen, herzlich willkommen zu unserem 3.internationalen Lesben-Volleyballturnier in Berlin!!!! Nach dem letzten wunderschönen Volleyballturnier in Amsterdam waren wir sehr motiviert, das Lesben-Volleyballturnier im Rahmen der Berliner Lesbenwoche zu organisieren. Aber wenn wir vor ein paar Monaten gewußt hätten, auf was wir uns da einlassen… Briefe mußten geschrieben, Einladungen verschickt und Sponsoren gefunden werden. Mit unserem Hallenantrag hatten wir die meisten Probleme: eine Woche vor Turnierbeginn stand immer noch nicht mit Sicherheit fest, ob wir die eingeplante Halle überhaupt bekommen würden. So organisierten wir also in den letzten Wochen das Turnier, immer mit der Frage, ob

1990 Berlin

  welcome to the 2. International Lesbian-Volleyball-Tournament  in Berlin! We are glad, that there are more teams out of Europe participating  in the games this year. For us it was more difficult to organize the tournament this time. Till now the government of Berlin is not willing to support us financially. We are still waiting for response. Berlin got hit by the dream of being  Capital and Olympiatown. It seems that the affairs from groups standing outside the “common” way of life won’t fit into this picture Berlin likes to represent. Because of this situation, for us it is very

1989 Berlin

Dear women! We’re very happy to welcome you to the first international lesbian volleyball tournament. We first thought of organizing this tournament when we played at this year’s gay/lesbian tournament in Cologne. There we noticed that, on the international level, lesbian teams connect almost exclusively at male homosexual sports events. We wanted to counter that by organizing a purely lesbian tournament. Also, we were dissapointed to see lesbian teams get eliminated very early because of the strength of the male teams. At the cities’ competition during this tournament, teams will therefore be eliminated only during the last round. Because it